
WELCOME! to "chez chic" house and garden hunt! This hunt, like the "Theres no place like home" Hunt from earlier in the year, features many of SL's chic-ist and most talented vendors! Prizes in this hunt are 10L$ to recieve, but trust you are recieving QUALITY, and High End items from the BEST! You will be looking for a small green, white ad pink striped teapot.

Hunt runs 4.1.11 through 4.30.11

Please join Jinxed! hunts group in world, found in my profile, or by clicking any poster at participating locations!

Hioh Jinx, owner

Saturday, March 19, 2011


If there is no hint giver at the location, please click on the link that says Flickr Stream to the right of this posting to find a hint! Thanks!

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